Conference PALCO PARA TODOS (Stage for All) – 31.03.2022 at 10:00

March 16, 2022

Aiming to promote a fairer and more inclusive society, we challenged different entities and partners to a conversation about how we can, among all, effectively contribute towards the inclusion of various forms of diversity, keeping the focus on valuing individuality.

On 31 March, at 10am (Lisbon Time), we will talk about plurality and the acceptance of diversity in the job market, at the conference “Palco para Todos” (Stage for All), an online event open to the public, upon previous registration.

Moderated by BNP Paribas, in this conversation we will be joined by JRS Portugal – Jesuit Refugee Service, sharing their vast work in the integration of refugees into Society; Café Joyeux with the perspective of including neuro-diverse people in the job market; Rock in Rio, showing the importance of social inclusion and the fundamental role of organisations towards social inclusion in their surrounding communities; Associação Salvador, on the inclusion of people with physical disabilities; and, finally, a perspective on gender brought to us by the HeForShe Movement.


  • Catarina Lima – Coordinator of the JRS refugee reception programme and Responsible for the Technical Secretariat of the Portuguese Refugee Support Platform (PAR);
  • Dussu Djabula – HeForShe Lisboa Regional President;
  • Filipa Pinto Coelho – President of the Board of Directors of VilacomVida and Executive President of Café Joyeux;
  • Roberta Medina – Executive Vice-President of Rock in Rio;
  • Salvador Mendes de Almeida – President and Founder of Associação Salvador.

Moderation: Luciana Peres – Head of Corporate and Social Responsibility | Diversity & Inclusion at BNP Paribas Portugal.